War in Ukraine


November 2022

As you are surely aware, Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The devastating humanitarian catastrophe continues to unfold within its borders and in neighboring countries in Eastern Europe.

The conflict in Ukraine has created the most significant flow of refugees in a single year since the end of the cold war.

At least 12 million Ukrainians have left their homes since the invasion, including two-thirds of the nation’s children. Many have fled to safer areas in Ukraine where they are living with host families or in displacement centers. 5 million refugees have made treks over many days to the border crossings of neighboring countries in hopes of finding safety and a place to rest. 

Approximately 60% of these refugees have crossed into Poland, as well as to Romania, Moldova, Slovakia, Hungary, and Belarus, with women and children making up most of this refugee population abroad. They, along with the disabled, elderly, and ethnic minorities face enormous vulnerabilities.

According to the United Nations, 15.7 million Ukrainians are in need of humanitarian aid. Those needs include food, water, shelter, healthcare, and psychosocial support. 

Efforts to deliver aid within Ukraine itself are fraught with risk and subject to significant obstacles, as ongoing hostilities prevent the free movement of service providers and supplies. Given the perilous operating environment, International Relief Teams is partnering with organizations on the ground that have the experience to ensure effective and ongoing aid. Our partners are focused on the most urgent needs, such as:

·        Providing water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services as well as medicines, supplies, and medical teams In addition to treating diseases, these teams provide emergency and mental health care services that are so critically needed at this time.

·        Procuring and distributing items, including food, baby food and formula, shelter items, clothing, water, emergency lighting, generators, and hygiene kits.

·        Supporting displacement centers/humanitarian hubs by providing non-food items such as bed linens, pillows, blankets, cutlery, tableware, food, hygiene kits, and psychosocial support.

·        Providing cash transfers - one of the most effective and efficient ways to help those in a crisis setting, as it allows families to purchase what is most needed in addition to supporting the local economy.

As the frigid winter season approaches, where temperatures may plummet as low as minus 68 degrees Fahrenheit, millions will be severely impacted living in substandard conditions. 

International Relief Teams will continue to help the people of Ukraine throughout this crisis. We will continue supporting our partners on the ground as they expand their relief efforts by providing basic necessities such as food, water, and medical care to the millions who have been affected by this tragedy. We still have a lot of work ahead of us, and your support and generosity are much needed. Please consider making a donation to support our work.

To make a difference for families and children fleeing war and devastation, give here. Thank you for your compassion for those less fortunate.

Population below poverty line:
Total Expenditure on health per capita:
Under five mortality rate:
Physicians Density:
Life Expectancy:
School Life Expectancy:
Literacy Rate:
GDP per capita:
Children Under the age of 5 years underweight:
Unemployment rate:
% without health insurance:
% of persons living in poverty:
% of high school graduates:
Median household income:

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