“Please consider joining me! Make a gift to the IRT Legacy Circle in your will or trust! Your gift saves lives!”
Have you considered your legacy? Join us today as we prepare to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Leave a legacy for future generations and become a member of the IRT Legacy Circle. Membership is open to all who include International Relief Teams in their will or estate plan. If you have already taken this step, you are a member. If you have not yet notified us of your bequest, we encourage you to contact our office so that we can acknowledge your intentions and welcome you to the IRT Legacy Circle.
If you have any questions please contact Erich Foeckler at 619-284-7979 ext. 102 or efoeckler@irteams.org.
Through the IRT Legacy Circle you may contribute a variety of assets. You receive the maximum tax advantages and are able to contribute during your lifetime or create a bequest in your will.
Cash: A cash gift is the most popular way to give for donors like you for a good reason – it’s easy and simple. We love to receive cash gifts of any size. You may give online, through your bank or by credit card.
Appreciated Securities (held for more than one year): This type of gifts is a great way for you to receive a charitable deduction, avoid capital gains taxes, and give a valuable gift to benefit IRT.
Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA: For those 70 1/2 years of age or older, the IRS requires you to take distributions from your IRA based upon the total value and your life expectancy. If you donate some of the distribution directly to IRT (up to $100,000 annually), it counts toward your required minimum distribution but is not taxable income.
Real Estate: You can give the gift of real estate and deed it outright to IRT or leave it by bequest. The irrevocable gift of property may provide you with an immediate tax deduction and avoid capital gains. Due to complexities, please discuss your real estate gift in advance with IRT.
Life Insurance: You can make a gift or buy a policy and name IRT as a beneficiary. This will allow you to make larger gifts than you might otherwise afford, while generating current tax benefits.
Donor Advised Fund: When you contribute cash, securities or other assets to a donor-advised fund you are generally eligible to take an immediate tax deduction. Then, those funds can be invested for tax-free growth and you can recommend grants to IRT, an IRS-qualified public charity.
Charitable Remainder Trust: The Remainder trust is an irrevocable gift of assets that provides you a fixed (Annuity Trust) or variable (Unitrust) income for life or for a set term. At the Trust’s termination, the Trust assets become a generous gift to IRT.
Charitable Lead Trust (outside of the taxable estate): The Lead Trust’s income payments are distributed to IRT for a set period of years, after which the assets are transferred back to the grantor or named beneficiary.
Bequests: The bequest is a gift through your will or revocable trust that enables you to retain the asset during your life and provide significant support when you no longer require the asset.
Retirement Plan Assets: In some cases, retirement assets can be the heaviest assets taxed in an estate. Naming IRT as beneficiary can avoid that taxation, enabling the asset to pass tax free to IRT. You may also leave or make IRT a percentage or a contingent beneficiary of a retirement plan.
Bank or Investment Account: Financial accounts can be a simple and inexpensive way to leave a legacy gift for IRT. Contact your financial advisor to see how easy the process is to make IRT beneficiary of a particular investment or bank account.
You may contact International Relief Teams at any time to discuss these and other giving options by calling 619-284-7979 ext. 102 or Make Checks Payable to: International Relief Teams, 3545 Camino del Rio South, Suite A San Diego CA 92108.
IRT recognizes that your bequest intentions are a personal matter. We would like to list your name on our website as a member of the IRT Legacy Circle, but membership will remain confidential pending your preference. Publication of your name may encourage others to become members of the IRT Legacy Circle.
Allison Alpert
Mike & Diane Branon
Glenn & Diane Colacurci
Lynn Daniel
Laurel & Richard Dunn
Erich Foeckler
Elizabeth & Harold Forney, M.D.
Carol Greer & Janet Grove
Marilyn Hagen
Grace Hawkes
Elise M. Hooper
Charlie & Susan Inot
In grateful memory:
Estate of Leva Gundmanis
Estate of Ruth Estelle Kranovich
Estate of Randall P. Monigal
Estate of Gerald Stephen Paulsen
Estate of Barbara A. Szydlowski
If you have not yet notified us of your bequest, we encourage you to fill out this online form or contact our office so that we can acknowledge your intentions and welcome you to the IRT Legacy Circle.